Aurelia Metals’ Green Rules are four rules to guide individual behaviours in our efforts to protect the environment and our communities. Since their implementation, minor non-compliances to our licenses and approvals have significantly decreased and awareness of the importance of protecting the environment has increased.

Never breach the ground, disturb vegetation, or drive off formed roads unless authorised to do so by the Environment Department.

Never intentionally discharge hydrocarbons or hazardous materials to the ground outside a bunded area.

Never intentionally discharge process/potentially contaminated water to the ground outside a bunded area.

Never intentionally harm or interfere with wildlife unless authorised to do so by the Environment Department.
Our operations generate tailings (mineral processing residues) that are stored in purpose-built Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs).

Aurelia operates central-thickened TSFs at Hera Mine and Peak Mine and a perimeter discharge TSF at Dargues Mine.

The TSF designs are informed by industry experts for the local meteorological, topographical, and site-specific conditions.

We reduce risks by utilising fit-for-purpose construction techniques, and daily, monthly and annual inspections.

All sites have completed a dam break analysis and have Pollution Incident Response Management Plans in place.