Investor centre

Welcome to the Aurelia Metals Investor Centre

Information for current and future Aurelia Metals (AMI) investors.

Aurelia Metals is a company with compelling near-term base metals growth. Our assets in the Cobar Basin reweight our business towards metals with a precious metals hedge. Our Federation Project is one of the greatest discoveries in recent decades in the Cobar Basin. Following the development of Federation, our Great Cobar Project will provide further growth through high-grade copper production. Beyond our projects, we have a track record of growth in our Resources and Reserves fuelled by a history of high-grade discoveries.

Share price performance
Aurelia Metals Limited











Metal prices reported in A$/lb except for Gold in A$/ounce. Last updated – mins ago by Yahoo Finance API and metals-api.
Company Reporting

Current news

Appendix 4E and FY24 Financial Statements
29 August 2024
ASX Announcement
29 August 2024
Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Statement
29 August 2024
Production Statement
29 August 2024
29 August 2024

Compelling near-term base metals growth

Aurelia Metals investment highlights

  • Polymetallic, minerals rich asset base with a leading position in the underexplored Cobar Basin.
  • One producing mine in the region, and two transformational near-term mine development projects.
  • Over 27Mt of Resources in the Cobar Basin and 1.25Mtpa of processing capacity across two 100% owned processing plants.
  • A second producing mine in southern NSW.
  • April 2023 update to the Feasibility Study confirms strong technical and economic case – NPV of A$354 and 58% IRR based on spot prices**
  • Time to first ore production fast-tracked since discovery in April 2019 with a maiden Ore Reserve estimate published in October 2022 and NSW government Development Consent granted in March 2023.
  • Federation is one of the highest-grade base metals projects in Australia, with a ZnEq grade of 16.7%***
  • Current 5Mt Mineral Resource envelope is open in multiple directions and expected to grow with underground and surface drilling.
  • Average annual EBITDA from Federation expected A$109M based on spot prices*****.
  • Contribution to earnings as soon as next financial year (FY24).
  • Ore to be processed at both Peak and Hera plants, de-risking development.



  • Copper Mineral Resource has grown 45% since FY21 to 7.7Mt at 2.3% Cu and 0.7g/t Au.
  • Future development would transition Aurelia’s revenue mix to include a material share of copper.
  • Great Cobar remains open up-dip and at-depth with further upside potential.
  • Ore to be processed at the nearby Peak plant**
  • Track-record of progressing orebodies from discovery to development in NSW.

*Refer to ASX release 10 October 2022, “Federation Mine Feasibility Study” and Footnote 1 on page 9 of this Presentation, for further details.
** Spot prices as at 14 March 2023with Zinc = A$4,444/t, Lead = A$2,802/t and Gold = A$2,880/oz. NPV figure is shown on a pre-tax and ungeared basis.
*** The zinc equivalent (ZnEq) grades have been calculated using Ore Reserve price assumption estimates with Zinc = US$2,500/t, Copper = US$6,800/t, Lead = US$1,975/t, Gold = US$1,450/oz and Silver = US$19/oz.
**** Valuation date and decline development resumption date of 1 June 2023.
***** Refer to ASX release 13 April 2023 “Federation Project Update” for further information.