Apply for a Community Grant

Aurelia Metals recognises the important role we play in helping to grow vibrant communities.

We are committed to sharing in the value of the resources we extract and encourage our community members to apply for an Aurelia grant in our social investment areas of interest:

The purpose of our community investments is to create social value by building capacity, leading to benefits such as improved social inclusion, increased skills, environmental preservation, stronger local businesses and economies, as well as positive health outcomes.

Indigenous communities, diversity and inclusionImprove the lives and prosperity of indigenous people through support programs, provide sustainable health, employment or economic benefits, or celebrate and protect Cultural Heritage.
Mental health and healthy livingPrograms or events that encourage healthy lifestyles, and or support those impacted by illness or mental health issues or improve the long-term health outcomes of community groups.
STEM training and educationSTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) learning aims to build industry skills and knowledge through scholarships, traineeships, cadetships and academic support.
Vibrant communities through arts and cultureImprove the liveability of local communities through the connection with arts and culture, and celebration of the rich history of regional gold mining towns.

Guiding principles for community investments

Every community investment will be assessed on the following guiding principles which determine whether there is a strategic fit with the Aurelia Metals business and brand:

  • They must fall within the regional areas where Aurelia operates
  • They must achieve capacity building for communities
  • They must be aligned with Aurelia Metals social investment areas
  • They must contain activation plans, create awareness and positivity for the Aurelia brand and recognise Aurelia’s support
  • Where possible, they should also provide engagement opportunities for Aurelia’s workforce and stakeholders

What Aurelia won’t support

  • Organisations and activities that are against the law, hazardous or dangerous
  • Initiatives that harm the environment
  • Organisations and activities that are not in line with Aurelia values and or policies
  • Programs that do not benefit regions where Aurelia operates
  • Funding requests that create financial dependency on Aurelia
  • Commercial requests including funding for private or public companies
  • Donations or campaigns that are solely political or religious in their purpose
  • Funding requests from individuals (including those seeking support for academic studies, medical treatment or for sporting activity) or non-incorporated organisations
  • Funding requests related to hosting religious worship, or a political organisation advancing political causes, candidates, events, legislative lobbying or advocacy
  • Programs that provide a direct benefit to Aurelia employees, contractors, or their families
  • General fundraising appeals or indirect fundraising activities
  • Programs that already have significant competitors or “brand saturation”
  • Anything else that Aurelia considers inappropriate or not aligned to its business objectives


Tips for a successful community investment application

All applications need to go through an internal assessment and approval process. Please find below some tips for a successful application.

  • Clear alignment with one Aurelia social investment pillar
  • Include an activation plan and associated costs
  • Provide images prior and post event for marketing purposes
  • Ability to provide a Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance (where applicable)

Applications for programs outside of these geographic locations are not eligible for funding.

Please be aware that while we receive many worthy applications for support, we have a limited budget available for this purpose and we are not able to satisfy all requests.

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Only applications submitted via this online portal will be assessed. Email applications will not be considered.


How to apply

By registering and signing in, you’ll be able to save your application and continue/ complete it later.

A log-in confirmation will be sent to your nominated email (Check your junk mail folder if you don’t receive it within 10 minutes)

To complete your application, click the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

If you decide to complete the application as a guest, you will not be able to save your application after each page. You’ll need to complete it in one session.

If you have any queries about the application process, please email


We look forward to reading your application.

  • Please provide a brief description of your organisation
  • Please provide your organisation’s history with Aurelia including any previous community investment by Aurelia
  • Max. file size: 24 MB.
  • Request for support

  • Investment

  • What is your proposal? How will this help address the identified need/issue in your community?
  • Scope

  • Four integrated social pillars define the categories of community investment Aurelia will support. Our community sponsorships must align with one or more of these pillars. Please select which one your proposal is aligned with.
    Improve the lives and prosperity of indigenous people through support programs, provide sustainable health, employment or economic benefits, or celebrate and protect Cultural Heritage.
    Programs or events that encourage healthy lifestyles, and or support those impacted by illness or mental health issues or improve the long-term health outcomes of community groups.
    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) learning aims to build industry skills and knowledge through scholarships, traineeships, cadetships and academic support.
    Improve the liveability of local communities through the connection with arts and culture, and celebration of the rich history of regional gold mining towns.
  • Please detail any proposed involvement from Aurelia employees (eg. volunteers, speaking opportunities etc).