
Aurelia is committed to the health and safety of our employees, contractors and communities.

We achieve this through our Safe Metals program and zero harm philosophy where all workplace incidents and injuries are considered preventable. We strive to continually improve our health and safety performance through our annual planning cycle process.

Safety culture

Our safety performance continues to improve. In FY23, a 58% improvement in our Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) from to 5.1 (FY22: 8.7) per million hours worked. This was enabled by the Group experiencing no recordable injuries in the second half of FY23, with our Dargues Mine remaining recordable injury free for the entire year.

Aurelia’s safety culture is incorporated within The Aurelia Way and is supports our Rules to Live By. Our Rules to Live By were developed in response to high potential risk incidents which have previously caused harm and/or fatalities in the mining industry. The Rules set expectations and guide individual behaviours.

Under the Safety Leadership Program, leaders demonstrate visible safety leadership by engaging in proactive conversations, observations and inspections (including Safe Act Observations, Planned Task Observations, Workplace Inspections, Critical Control and HPRI Verifications), in line with a lead indicator matrix and schedule. This helps us to determine the effectiveness of our safety understanding and controls throughout the business. In FY23, we achieved >85% compliance with our Lead Indicator Program targets.

Rules to live by

We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees and contractors and the communities where we operate.

We believe every injury is preventable and no task is so important that it cannot be done safety. Our aim is to build a culture where everyone owns and actively contributes to achieving safe outcomes.


Safety Case Studies

Financial Results for the Half Year ending 31 December 2024
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December Quarter Activities Report
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June quarter activities report
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December quarter 2023 activities report
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Industry recognition for environmental excellence
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Roll out of the Critical Control Verification Program
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Helping to halve emergency response times in rural NSW
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Our Safety Journey: launch of the ‘Safe Metals’ strategy
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