Last ore from the Hera Mine hauled to the surface  


On Friday 24 March, the last ore from our Hera Mine was hauled to the surface. The ore was trucked to the plant for processing which was completed at 6.05 am this morning.

It was the end of an era and signalled the closing of one chapter for the mine. Its infrastructure will go on to be used to process ore from our Federation Mine, located only 10 kilometres away and currently under development.

Interim Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Graham, spoke about the impact the Hera Mine has had on Nymagee and Cobar communities and noted the near-term start-up of the Federation Mine will see the Company continue its commitment in the region for at least another eight years.

“Since commissioning in 2014, Hera has produced 3.2 million tonnes of ore, supported 180 jobs, and contributed to A$216 million to the local economy,” Mr Graham said.

“It’s important to remember this isn’t the end for Hera. Once up and running, we intend to process ore from the nearby Federation Project at the Hera plant, which will now move into care and maintenance until first ore arrives.

“I want to thank everyone across our business who has worked to make Hera a success over the years. I particularly want to extend a special thanks to our people who committed to remain at Hera until last ore and whose hard work and dedication helped see the mine finish strong,” Andrew said.

Follow this link to see 7News Central West’s coverage of the story.