June quarter activities report 
On 24 July 2024, we announced our June quarter FY24 results to the market.
Highlights for the final quarter of the financial year included the delivery of production and cost guidance, operating improvements at Peak and exploration results that reinforced our prospectivity in the Cobar Basin.
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Bryan Quinn spoke about the quarter, noting the strong finish to FY24 further strengthened our balance sheet.
“At Peak, higher tonnes and record zinc and lead recoveries enabled us to deliver on our production and cost guidance,” Bryan said.
“While wet weather impacted mine development rates at Federation, additional water management infrastructure is now in place. We remain on track to deliver first stope ore in late Q1 FY25, and ramp-up of production thereafter.
“Dargues delivered another solid quarter of production and cash flow and will transition to closure during the September FY25 quarter.
“Finally, our exploration programs delivered exciting results at Queen Bee, Mt Pleasant and Federation which again demonstrate the prospectivity of our Cobar Basin exploration tenure,” Bryan concluded.
Significantly, we continued to execute against our strategy, progressing operational improvements, development projects and growth options in the commodities that align to our Purpose which is to become a developer and operator of choice for critical base metals that power the future.
Visit the ‘Investor centre’ to access the activities report and presentation.