Investor centre

Welcome to the Aurelia Metals Investor Centre

Information for current and future Aurelia Metals (AMI) investors.

Aurelia Metals is a company with compelling near-term base metals growth. Our assets in the Cobar Basin reweight our business towards base metals with a precious metals hedge. Our recently opened Federation Mine is one of the highest-grade base metals development in Australian on one of the greatest discoveries in recent decades in the Cobar Basin. Our Great Cobar Project will provide further growth through high-grade copper production. We have a track record of growth in our Resources and Reserves fueled by a history of high-grade discoveries.

Share price performance
Aurelia Metals Limited











Metal prices reported in A$/lb except for Gold in A$/ounce. Last updated – mins ago by Yahoo Finance API and metals-api.
Company Reporting

Compelling near-term base metals growth

Aurelia Metals investment highlights

  • Rich in base metals with a leading position in the underexplored Cobar Basin.
  • One producing mine in the region, and two transformational near-term mine development projects.
  • Over 27Mt of Resources in the Cobar Basin and 1.25Mtpa of processing capacity across two 100% owned processing plants.
  • A second producing mine in southern NSW.
  • April 2023 update to the Feasibility Study confirms strong technical and economic case – NPV of A$354 and 58% IRR based on spot prices**
  • Federation is one of the highest-grade base metals projects in Australia, with a ZnEq grade of 16.7%***
  • Current 5Mt Mineral Resource envelope is open in multiple directions and expected to grow with underground and surface drilling.
  • Average annual EBITDA from Federation expected A$109M based on spot prices*****.
  • Ore to be processed at both Peak plant.


  • Copper Mineral Resource has grown 45% since FY21 to 7.7Mt at 2.3% Cu and 0.7g/t Au.
  • Future development would transition Aurelia’s revenue mix to include a material share of copper.
  • Great Cobar remains open up-dip and at-depth with further upside potential.
  • Ore to be processed at the nearby Peak plant**
  • Track-record of progressing orebodies from discovery to development in NSW.

*Refer to ASX release 10 October 2022, “Federation Mine Feasibility Study” and Footnote 1 on page 9 of this Presentation, for further details.
** Spot prices as at 14 March 2023with Zinc = A$4,444/t, Lead = A$2,802/t and Gold = A$2,880/oz. NPV figure is shown on a pre-tax and ungeared basis.
*** The zinc equivalent (ZnEq) grades have been calculated using Ore Reserve price assumption estimates with Zinc = US$2,500/t, Copper = US$6,800/t, Lead = US$1,975/t, Gold = US$1,450/oz and Silver = US$19/oz.
**** Valuation date and decline development resumption date of 1 June 2023.
***** Refer to ASX release 13 April 2023 “Federation Project Update” for further information.