Industry recognition for environmental excellence

On 7 August 2023, we were honoured to received the ‘Environmental Excellence’ Award at the 2023 NSW Minerals Council HSEC Awards dinner.
The Award recognises our Recordable Environmental Incident Frequency Rate (REIFR) reporting framework.
Speaking about the Award, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Bryan Quinn explained the REIFR framework, highlighting its benefits for mining companies.
“As entrusted custodians of the local environments where we operate, we take the protection and management of the environment very seriously.
“Our REIFR is calculated by tracking environmental incidents level three and above (as outlined in our ‘Incident and Hazard Management Procedure’) per million hours worked. This mirrors our Total Recordable Incident Frequency Rate (TRIFR) reporting.
“Incorporating REIFR into our reporting framework coincided with the overarching cultural shift that came with the inception and roll out of our Safe Metals strategy. And given we view safety and environmental performance as intrinsically linked, it comes as no surprise we’ve seen year-on-year improvements in our environmental performance.
“Our REIFR reporting framework is a unique solution to an absence in policy for mining companies to report their environmental performance. The advantages of the framework for other mining companies transcend transparency obligations and point to improved safety and environmental performance and strengthening employee accountability.
“Importantly, REIFR reporting has and will continue to also strengthen our social licence to operate through improved relationships with our shareholders and stakeholders,” Brian said.
Follow this link to view the promotional video for our nomination which was played at the Awards dinner.