Our story

Aurelia Metals Limited (ASX: AMI) is an Australian mining and exploration company with two operating mines, two processing facilities and a development project in the Cobar Basin in New South Wales. In this region we also hold one of the most geologically prospective ground positions in Australia and have the expertise and capability to discover and convert this endowment to unlock exceptional value for our shareholders. Our Peak Mine comprises two separate underground polymetallic mines and an 800ktpa base metals and gold processing plant. Peak is in the northern Cobar Basin, south of the town of Cobar. Our Federation Mine is one of the highest-grade base metal developments in Australia. Officially opened by the Hon. Minister Houssos on 11 September 2024, the deposit at Federation hosts high-grade zinc, lead, and gold mineralisation and remains open at depth. Our Great Cobar Project involves the development of a base metals and gold deposit, north of, and accessible from, the New Cobar mining area in the Peak complex.

Proud history

We have a proud history of providing economic, social and environmental outcomes for the people of New South Wales.

  • 2009
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2009

    Aurelia purchases Hera Mine from CBH Resources in September as an underdeveloped gold-lead-zinc silver deposit.

  • 2011

    Following extensive geological drilling and feasibility activities, the Hera Definitive Feasibility Study is delivered.

  • 2012

    Development approval for Hera is received from the NSW Government in July.

  • 2013

    Hera Project construction commences in January.

  • 2014

    First production from the Hera Mine is delivered in September.

  • 2015

    Commercial production achieved from Hera Mine in April.

  • 2018

    Aurelia completes the purchase of Peak Mine from Toronto-listed miner, New Gold in April.

    Through accelerated mining of the high-grade polymetallic Chronos deposit, investment payback on the A$59 million purchase price was achieved within four months.

  • 2019

    Aurelia’s exploration team discover the Federation deposit 10 kilometres from the Hera Mine – a significant discovery shaping up to be a tier one asset.

  • 2020

    Aurelia takes ownership of the Dargues Gold Mine and regional exploration tenements on 17 December through the acquisition of all shares in Dargues Mine from Diversified Minerals.

  • 2021

    Aurelia successfully integrates Dargues Mine into its production portfolio and continues exploration to extend the known orebody and uncover exploration upside.

  • 2022

    • Aurelia receives Development Consent for the New Cobar Complex. The consent allows for the development of a new copper mine – Great Cobar – allowing the Company to deliver on its ‘copper ready’ strategy and extending the life of the Peak Mine to 2035.
    • In October, Aurelia released the Federation Mine Feasibility Study and a maiden Ore Reserve. The Study confirms a high-grade, low capex development project, leveraging existing strategic infrastructure.
  • 2023

    • On 18 January, Aurelia was pleased to share promising results from four Induced Polarisation (IP) surveys in its Nymagee exploration district. The results at Lancelot in particular were especially intriguing and significantly upgraded its mineral prospectivity and advanced the prospect through the Company’s exploration pipeline.
    • On 2 March 2023, Aurelia announces it received Development Consent from the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment to develop the high-grade, polymetallic Federation Mine,  10 kilometres south of its Hera operation in central-west NSW. The Federation Mine development will extract high-grade zinc and lead, as well as copper, gold and silver ore over an initial life of eight years with a production capacity of 600ktpa.
    • On 24 March, the last ore from our Hera Mine was hauled to the surface. The ore was trucked to the plant for processing which was completed at 6.05 am on Monday 27 March. The mine’s transition to care and maintenance began shortly thereafter.
    • Aurelia was pleased to report refinements to the Federation Feasibility Study on 13 April. The updates mitigated cost escalation and contributed positively to the Project’s valuation. Improvements were achieved in mine planning, ore flows for processing, capital scope refinement and definition, and leveraging assets and infrastructure of the Company’s nearby Hera Mine.
    • Aurelia appoints Mr Bryan Quinn as new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer on 31 May.
    • Also on 31 May, Aurelia announces it had secured a funding solution for the Federation Project comprised of ~A$100 million of new senior secured financing facilities and a A$40 million fully underwritten equity raising.
    • On 2 August, Aurelia advised decline development had restarted at its Federation Project in line with the remobilisation plan, with the first cut fired safely into the decline on 1 August.
    • On 24 October, Aurelia advises that it had received the Mining Lease for the Federation Project.
  • 2024

    • On 18 January, Aurelia was excited to announce that every hole completed at its exploration program at Chesney North, located at the North Mine at Peak, delivered significant intersections of copper, with many holes returning meaningful intersections of gold.
    • On Sunday 4 February, Aurelia fired the first production stope at the Chesney Main Lens since taking ownership of the Peak Mine in 2017.
    • On 22 February, we shared the results of our recent successful, four-hole exploration program at the Nymagee Deposit in the Cobar Region. Reaffirming the significant prospectivity of the Cobar Region, the program included the highest zinc assays recorded at Nymagee (37.9% Zn) and some of the highest copper (13.4% Cu) and silver (254g/t Ag) assay results since drilling started in the area in 1905.
    • On Tuesday 5 March, we were delighted to welcome guests to visit our operations in the Cobar Basin. The guests included analysts, investors and media representatives who joined a charter flight in Sydney to Cobar with our Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Bryan Quinn, Chief Financial Officer, Martin Cummings and Chief Development and Technical Officer, Andrew Graham. Sites visited included the Federation Project (surface and underground) and the Peak Mine (surface and underground).
    • On 25 March, Aurelia presented at the 2024 Ord Minnett Small and Mid-Cap Mining Conference in Sydney. Our Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Bryan Quinn said “the hybrid conference was a great opportunity to engage fund managers, retail advisers and high net wealth investors and outline the vision for our future growth plans.”
    • On 14 June, we were pleased to share further details of significant results from our recent exploration programs at the Federation deposit and Lancelot prospect in the Nymagee District. We received final assays for diamond drill hole FDD215 at Federation, visual drill core of which was shared in April. These results confirmed a spectacular intercept and the potential discovery of a faulted northern offset to the Federation deposit and possibility this offset may provide a material extension of mineralisation to the west.
    • On 17 July, we shared details of significant results from surface and underground exploration programs at the Queen Bee deposit and the North and South Mines in the Peak Mine Complex within the Cobar District. Significant copper was intersected at Queen Bee, south of the Peak Mine, and at Mt Pleasant and Jubilee North, in the Peak North Mine. Significant gold was also intersected at Blue Lens, in the Peak South Mine.
    • On Tuesday 30 July, the last ore from our Dargues Mine was hauled to the surface and trucked to the site’s plant for processing. It signalled the imminent end of production at Dargues and the conclusion of our mining operations on site. Following processing of the ore and shipment of the final concentrate, the site will transition to care and maintenance, rehabilitation and closure.
    • On 29 August 2024, we announced our FY24 full year financial results to the market. The results represent a significant improvement in financial performance for Aurelia. Gold production exceeded guidance at 65.3koz, the Group all-in-sustaining cost was 12% lower at $2,035/oz, and ore mined at Peak increased by 17% to 580kt through improved operating discipline.
    • On 11 September 2024, the Federation Mine was officially opened by the NSW Minister for Natural Resources the Hon. Courtney Houssos. Members of the Aurelia Board, employees and contract partners from across the Group and honoured guests from our neighbouring communities were invited to the official proceedings that took place at the Federation Mine site.
    • On 17 September, we announced we had fired the first stope at the Federation Mine.
    • On 18 December, we were pleased to advise that the first ore from our Federation Mine had commenced processing through our Peak processing facility. The 18Kt processing campaign continued throughout December and the outcomes were reported in the December quarter results in January 2025.